SWPPP Template for the 2015 California Industrial Permit
April 20, 2015 2020-06-23 20:38SWPPP Template for the 2015 California Industrial Permit
SWPPP Template for the 2015 California Industrial Permit
We are pleased to roll out this new IGP SWPPP Template for you!
This template follows the 2015 California Industrial General Permit (IGP) SWPPP Checklist (Appendix 1) and is intended to provide a baseline structure for developing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for industrial facilities.
Do not rely on this template to satisfy every requirement of the IGP. The user assumes all responsibility.
Here are some features of this editable Word document:
- Click on the “paragraph” symbol to show/hide hidden formatting in this document.
- The user is encouraged to build the hidden “instruction and recommended text” fields such that subsequent SWPPP documents are made easier and in line with editorial preferences that may be discovered by the user.
- Throughout this SWPPP template, gray highlighted fields should be overwritten with project specific text.
- Note that some references within this SWPPP template to other sections of the SWPPP template are highlighted to facilitate updating cross-references during the SWPPP development process.
- In general, avoid editing the table of contents directly. Instead, directly edit the text in the body of the document, then “update” the table of contents. This update process will change the titles and page numbers in the table of contents.
Cost is $100 but you can save 50% if you’ve attended one of our courses.
Contact info@envirotechservices.biz for more info!