Articles & News
June 23, 2020 2020-07-03 17:11Articles & News

Water Boards COVID-19 Updates
Did you know that STORMWATER COMPLIANCE is generally considered to be an essential function during the COVID-19 response? See what the State Water Resource Control Board has to say.

What is Project Eddie?
PROJECT EDDIE is about mentoring people into the world of stormwater. Rounding out the career path. Focusing on the future. Making work exciting and with a vision.

Shasta College Erosion Control Summit #1
Shasta College was the setting for Erosion Control Summit #1: a two day BMP workshop with Course instructors John McCullah and David Franklin who have teamed up for a number of years on Caltrans deliveries around the state.

SWPPP Template for the 2015 California Industrial Permit
We are pleased to roll out this new IGP SWPPP Template for you! This template follows the 2015 California Industrial General Permit (IGP) SWPPP Checklist (Appendix 1) and is intended to provide a baseline structure for developing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for industrial facilities.

Stormwater Industry Calculator Course ONLINE
People keep asking, “Is there a CPESC Review Course online”? Let us know if you find one online or in person someplace near you. Many QSD candidates have taken the CONVENIENT and ONLINE Stormwater Industry Calculator Course. The response has been great.

Sampling Course ONLINE
We are pleased to announce that our popular Sampling and Analysis Course for QSPs and designated employees is now ONLINE! Let us know if you’re interested in signing up. It’s a great way to get your ongoing Professional Development Units (PDUs) and Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Group discounts are available- David Franklin USE THE “NO OBLIGATION INQUIRY” FORM BELOW TO GET MORE INFO OR TO REGISTER. Course topics include: Visual monitoring Stormwater sampling and analysis Non-stormwater issues Non-visible sampling triggers Rain events Safety Collection locations Equipment Forms and reports And more!

New Guidance on pH Analysis Averaging
The State has provided us with new info on sampling and analysis for pH including how values for flow volume and time are more objective, but not required by the Permit. Additionally, averaging must be done such that acid and base values are averaged separately. Check out the Excel pH Averaging Spreadsheet here: Check out the Boards guidance doc here: If you have questions or are interested in more info, let me know. DAVID

REAP 50% Rain Forecast Alert for the QSP
Hey QSP, did you know about the great alert you can utilize at Check it out. You can enter up to 10 zip codes for your job sites and set a trigger at 50% or whatever you wish and you’ll be notified of rain coming. And it gets better, you personal account will always have the NOAA forecasts (Forecast Weather Table Interface) on file for you to copy or printout. Too good to be true! So if you’ve spent a lot of time checking weather around the state, now will do it for you. No more rain forecast worries! Thanks for checking in and stop back again for more technical and regulatory updates. David

EPA Erosivity Calculator Offline
Problems have been found in the underlying data in the calculator that affects sites in CA. In order to ensure that sites were not improperly qualifying for the R-factor waiver, the Office of Wastewater Management is working on fixing the problem. The calculator could be down for a few weeks while they sort this out. Until that time, you will need to perform these calculations using alternative methods.

CA CGP NELS Are No Longer In Effect (mostly!)
ALL RISK LEVEL 3 DISCHARGERS PLEASE NOTE: The Numeric Effluent Limitations (NELs) for pH and turbidity at Risk Level 3 construction sites contained in Order 2009-0009-DWQ are no longer in effect. In addition, because receiving water monitoring is required only if the NELs are triggered, all receiving water monitoring requirements are also suspended.

Training QSD/QSP Training Course for the California Construction General Permit The purpose of this course is to help prepare individuals intending to take the Qualified SWPPP Practitioner and Qualified SWPPP Designer (QSP/QSD) Exam proctored by Regional Water Boards at separately scheduled events. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) Review Course.